Volume Data Processing

David F. Wiley

Bring new life to your three-dimensional volumetric data by viewing it in its natural form. Gain contextual insight by viewing transparent blends of your complex data. Data that typically benefits from volumetric methods are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), PET, etc. This data has a single attenuation value at each data location. This value represents the attenuation “density” and can be used to identify surface boundaries as well as color mappings in order to visualize the inherent detail captured by these imaging modalities.

New volumetric collection methods, such as cryosectioning, are vastly increasing the data detail and consequently the complexity of required visualization and analysis practices. Large data methods must be combined with volumetric visualization and analysis methods in order to work with this type of data. This data consists of RGB color information instead of a single attenuation value such that segmentation and visualization methods operating on this data must be able to consider color properties in addition to intensity.