
How to improve DICOM
While DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) provides a necessary format for handling device connectivity, it could be improved...
From IDAV Landmark Editor to Checkpoint
While a post-doc at UC Davis, I led the software development effort for the IDAV Landmark Editor in conjunction with...
Why DICOM is helpful
DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) provides a necessary format for handling device connectivity. Most importantly, it provides a...
Stratovan Invited to Participate in SARTA Med Tech Showcase
Stratovan has been invited to give a short presentation on our latest progress at this years Med Tech Showcase in...
CEO Wiley Participates in Congresswoman Matsui Round Tabel Discussions on Small Business Issues
Congresswoman Matsiu invited CEO David F. Wiley to participate in a round table discussion focusing on small business issues plaguing...
Intellectual Property and Licensing Agreements
CEO Wiley participated as a panelist at the Intellectual Property and Licensing Agreements seminar held at Drexel University, Sacramento. This...
CEO Wiley Participates in SARTA MedStart Inventor’s Forum
This invitation only forum for local professional is intended to create a forum among the many physicians and biomedical engineers...
Stratovan Corp. exhibits at SARTA MedStart Initiative Launch
The SARTA MedStart initiative brings together the Sacramento region’s medical device community. Stratovan Corporation exhibited and provided interviews at the...
Stratovan Corp. takes a closer look at surgical precision
Stratovan has worked with Dr. Edward B. Strong from the UC Davis Medical Center Department of Otolaryngology to develop a...
Stratovan Joins SARTA MedStart Initiative
Stratovan has joined the SARTA MedStart initiative as a way to foster medical device technology in the region. SARTA is...
Wiley presents at UC Davis Symposium on Biomedical Image Segmentation
The UC Davis multi-disciplinary Symposium on Biomedical Image Segmentation is intended to foster communications and collaborations between the various UC...
Stratovan joins NIH Bioengineering Research Partnership
Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Science, UC Davis Medical Center Stratovan participates as a commercial consultant to the BRP providing...
Geometric Processing and Geometric Modeling
Fundamental methods for processing geometrical surfaces are commonplace in today’s visualization and analysis packages. Tools that provide fast and accurate...
Alignment and Data Registration
A commonly occurring problem where two or more data sets must be aligned to one another for the purpose of...
Information Visualization/Abstract Data Visualization
Choosing a visualization method that most easily and accurately conveys the meaning of data is not always a complex three-dimensional...